Everything we own owns us; each of our belongings takes up real estate in our physical and mental space, requiring some amount of our time, attention and resources to manage. The more stuff we have, the less we’re able to identify and enjoy those items that we truly value. Are you treasuring your treasures? Honoring your heirlooms? Collecting on your collection? Locking it away is not loving it—if you don’t use, enjoy it, or want it, it’s time to let it go.

Whether you’ve got a haphazard shrine to pets who have passed on, a cherished owl collection gathering dust in a storage unit, inherited your great grandfather’s antique hand saws—which have been in the garage for 5 years—or you’re looking for creative ways to curate and display your child’s evolving art work, BrightHive will help you bring what you love into your life. We’ll also help you navigate the process of letting go of those items that no longer serve you with compassion and care.

Our services include:

  • Collection and memorabilia curation, plus organization and storage

  • Creative display / upcycling of important treasures, memorabilia and heirlooms

  • Virtual consulting and custom solutions